Name and Purpose

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be “The Camera Club of Hendersonville, NC”.

Section 2. The purpose of the Club shall be to establish and maintain an organization of photographers desiring to improve their photographic skills and knowledge in association with others so motivated.


Section 1. The membership shall consist of persons having certain inclinations in common:

a. A continuing, active interest in photography and a desire to enhance their skills.
b. A disposition of mind to support the purpose and intent of the Club.
c. Cheerful acceptance and creditable execution of office or committee service if such is within their capacity.

Section 2. Membership shall require the payment of annual dues in the amount and within the time limit prescribed herein.

Section 3. All Club members can view the By-Laws on the website.


Dues and Assessments

Section 1. The annual dues for members shall be determined by the Board of Directors and payable before or at the January meeting.

Section 2. The membership, by two thirds majority of those present and voting at a General meeting, may levy an assessment. A newly received member shall not be liable for the payment of any assessment imposed prior to joining the Club.

Section 3. All dues and assessments shall be payable to the Camera Club of Hendersonville, NC.

Section 4. The fiscal year shall commence January 1 and end on December 31 of the calendar year.

Section 5. Non-member spouses and guests are welcome to attend meetings and photo events, but only members in good standing may submit images.


Club Governance

Section 1. The Club shall be directed by a Board of Directors (“Board”) consisting of the following officers:

A. President
B. Vice-President
C. Secretary
D. Treasurer
E. Program Director
F. Member at Large

Section 2. The President shall preside at all Board meetings. The Vice-President shall preside whenever the President is unable to attend.

Section 3. Board members may share moderating duties at General Club Meetings.

Section 4. The Board shall appoint members to serve in other capacities, such as the following and any others, as required:

A. Newsletter Editor
B. Education Coordinator
C. Exhibitions Coordinator
D. Field Trip Coordinator
E. Hospitality Coordinator
F. New Members Coordinator
G. Mentor Coordinator
H. Set-Up Coordinator
I. Webmaster
J. Welcoming Coordinator
K. Workshop Coordinator

Section 5. The Board may, at its discretion, appoint a ‘Special Committee’ which shall function only long enough to complete its stated assignment.


Election of Board

Section 1. The Members of the Board shall be members of the Club in good standing and shall be elected by majority vote of the membership, present and voting at a meeting or by absentee ballot, for a period of one year.

Section 2. During the March General meeting, the President shall appoint a Special Committee designated as the Nominating Committee and composed of a chairperson and two other members. Their function shall be to develop a slate of nominees for the Board, consisting of:

A. President
B. Vice-President
C. Secretary
D. Treasurer
E. Program Director
F. Member at Large

All nominees must give their consent to the Nominating Committee as a condition of nomination.

Section 3. The Nominating Committee shall present its slate of nominees during the September General meeting. Following such presentation, opportunity shall be given for further nominations from the floor. If there are no nominations from the floor, the vote of the slate by general consent may be taken by voice vote.

The October newsletter, if published, will include a notice concerning the election of new officers.

The Secretary shall give notice of the slate to all Members who have provided an e-mail address to the Club, and shall cause the slate to be posted on the Club Website.

If there are nominations from the floor for one or more offices, election shall then be by ballot during the October General meeting. Members unable to attend the October meeting may request and shall receive an absentee ballot from the Secretary.

Section 4. The elected Board shall assume their responsibilities on January 1, following the election.

Section 5. The Board shall have the authority to appoint replacement members for any who resign or leave the Club or geographic area.


Duties of the Board and Its Officers

Section 1. The overall responsibilities of the Board are:

A. Obtaining a suitable meeting place and ensuring that applicable rules governing usage are observed.
B. Planning the annual schedule of meetings and events.
C. Appointing members to serve as Coordinator(s) to receive and prepare images for showing. Images are to be prepared according to the Submission Guidelines available on the Club Website.
D. Recruiting members to fill vacancies on the Committees and Coordinators in accordance with Articles IV and V above, and in Special Committees.
E. Preparing and maintaining proper job descriptions for all positions.
F. Notifying the membership of all announcements, Club activities and special notices via e-mail and newsletters, if published.
G. Maintaining custody of Club equipment

Section 2. The President shall preside at all Board meetings and at General Meetings but may assign that duty to another Board member. The President shall also act as the primary contact with the landlords of properties used for meetings.

Section 3. The Vice-President shall act on behalf of the President in any instance that the President cannot be present.

Section 4. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial affairs of the Club, including the following:

A. Supervising the collection of revenue
B. Paying all Club operating expenses
C. Signing all checks
D. Maintaining the Club Financial Ledger
E. Filing annual income tax returns
F. Maintaining the official membership roster of members in good standing
G. Ensuring all Banking requirements are met with the financial institution doing business with the Club

Section 5. The Secretary shall be responsible for:

A. Preparing the minutes of Board Meetings and distributing copies to Board members for their review and correction in order to submit the final iteration for approval at the next Board meeting. Once approved, the minutes become part of the Club records to be archived.
B. Handling Club correspondence
C. Routine messages to the membership such as meeting reminders concerning photo critique, “Gimme Your Best Shot!”, and program announcements.
D. Being prepared to read the minutes of previous Board meetings, if required.
E. Collecting and tabulating ballots and announcing results of annual elections.


Meetings-General and Special

Section 1. General meetings of the Club shall be held the fourth Tuesday of each month, coming to order at 7:00 pm. There shall be a social time commencing at 6:30 pm.

Section 2. Except as to votes pertaining to the adoption of By-Laws, additions to or amending existing By-Laws, at any General or Special Meeting of the Club, a quorum shall exist if the number of members present and voting is equal to one-third +1 of the membership in good standing.


Format of Meetings

General meetings shall conform to the following outline:

  1. Welcome and introduction of guests and new members.
  2. Club business – to be kept as brief as possible.
  3. Program – may include a ‘halftime’ intermission.



Section 1. The adoption of By-Laws, additions to or amending existing By-Laws, shall be accomplished by a two-thirds majority vote of the Members voting (at a Meeting or by absentee ballot). The Membership will be notified by e-mail of proposed By-Laws changes 30 days prior to meeting.

Section 2. Any member in good standing who cannot attend a meeting at which additions or amendments of the By-Laws are being voted on, may vote by absentee ballot by requesting an absentee ballot from the Secretary. The vote must be written and in the hands of the Secretary prior to the meeting. The envelope shall be marked “Ballot” so that it will not be opened before the meeting. The Board shall determine the legality of any
absentee ballot that is questioned.



Section 1. January, April, July, and October will be reserved for Photo Critique.

Section 2. The June meeting shall be reserved for the annual Print Competition.

Section 3. Detailed instructions for preparation of submissions on those nights are to be maintained in the Submission Guidelines available on the Club website and may, at the discretion of the Editor, be published in the Newsletter, if an issue is published.

Revised and Passed by Membership on 09/22/2020