david_day_portrait (1)David Day Self Portrait
Self Portrait Photo Credit: David Day
The goal of this program is to challenge each Member to get their camera out and take some interesting shots each month. Each Member will be allowed to submit 3 images during the month.
The image must be taken in the current calendar year and can be submitted no earlier than the first of the month for that particular topic and no later than the Saturday prior to the General Meeting with one exception: For the first month of GYBS! (February) of the calendar year, an image taken in the last quarter of the previous year will be accepted.
The images will also be shown in a slideshow at the beginning of each General Meeting and will later be displayed on the Website. To submit your images, you must be a member in good standing of the club.
See the Submission Guidelines as far as sizing and formatting the image. Images for Gimme Your Best Shot! are to be emailed to the CCoH Image Coordinator.
These images will be simply displayed but not critiqued.
(Photo Courtesy of Bob Coffey)
Thumbnail image courtesy of Bob Coffey
(Photo Courtesy of JD Hannis)
Thumbnail image courtesy of David Day.
(Photo Courtesy of Dennis Stefani)
Image courtesy of JD Hannis
(Photo Courtesy of Harold Zeltner)
Image courtesy of JD Hannis.
(Photo Courtesy of Gary Lightner)
Image courtesy of David Marsh
(Photo Courtesy of Jim Pierson)
Image courtesy of Dennis Stefani