Important 30 Day Notice for Approval of Amending the By-Laws on Tuesday, December 8

Having implemented many improvements in the newsletter, website, library exhibit and field trips this year and attracted many new members in the process, the Steering Committee is planning even more improvements for the coming year. Member surveys have indicated that you would like to receive more instruction and we are planning on expanding the number of presentations by highly qualified photographers. 

What many of you may not realize is that the CCoH does not currently pay honoraria to critiquers and presenters. We do invite them to a dinner with the steering committee members and we have certainly benefited from the gracious generosity of their time spent critiquing our images and their well prepared instructive presentations. It is customary for camera clubs to offer at least a token amount to partially compensate for their time, effort and travel expenses and it is a bit embarrassing to those of us who approach prospective contributors hat-in-hand and ask them to perform for free.  With proper planning this is well within our capabilities, but we need to budget our expenditures and revenue accordingly.

To accomplish this we will need to increase our dues from $20 to $30 per year with no discounts for partial year residence. We will retain a family discount at the rate of $40 per year, however.  This rate is consistent with other clubs and we believe that we will all realize an increase in value for the dues spent.

Further justification for this move is the fact that our rental rate for the meeting room has doubled this year.  The beautiful, multi-featured website that we enjoy now was due to an upgrade in the system which was approximately double the cost of previous one. Also, the last time the dues were changed was nine years ago in 2006.

Finally, we are living on borrowed time regarding our projector bulb since we do not have a spare one in case it goes out during a program. Unlike the old days when replacing a bulb in an Ecktagraphic 3C slide projector was easily covered under petty cash, the replacement cost of a digital projector bulb for our Canon Realis is approximately $300. Had it burned out during Walter Arnold’s outstanding critique at our last meeting, we would not have had a program.  In short, we are just a projector bulb away from a blown budget.

Note that the current dues rate will apply through the end of this year, so you can still pay your dues for 2016 at the 2015 rate and postpone the increase until this time next year. The new rate will become effective on Jan. 1, 2016, so you will benefit by paying next year's dues by Dec. 31, 2015 

In order to accomplish this change, the By-Laws must be amended by a two thirds majority of the membership in attendance during a regular meeting and it must be announced at least 30 days in advance. This is your 30 day notice for the vote that will be held at our Christmas Party on Tuesday, Dec. 8.  Please find a copy of the proposed changes attached for your perusal. The highlighted sections in ARTICLES I and III represent the proposed changes and the corresponding sections from the previous version are bolded and placed just below for easy comparison. Please contact us with any questions.

We ask that you vote to approve these proposed changes so that we can continue to expand the benefits of your Club membership.

Thank you. 

The Steering Committee:

Ron Anderson

Bob Benedict

Bob Coffey

Mitch Randall

Ken Weaver

Please read the changes below!








Name and Purpose


Section 1.  The name of this organization shall be “The Camera Club of Hendersonville, NC”.

Section 2.  The purpose of the Club shall be to establish and maintain an organization of photographers

                  desiring to improve their photographic skills and knowledge in association with others so motivated.


Previous Version:      

Section 2.  The purpose of the Club shall be to establish and maintain an organization of serious photographers living in and about Hendersonville whereby persons desiring to improve their photographic skills and knowledge may do so in association with others so motivated.





Section 1.  The membership shall consist of persons having certain inclinations in common:

  1. A continuing, active interest in photography and a desire to enhance their skills.
  2. A disposition of mind to support the purpose and intent of the Club.
  3. Cheerful acceptance and creditable execution of office or committee service if such is within their capacity.

Section 2.  Membership shall require the payment of annual dues in the amount and within the time limit prescribed herein.

Section 3.  All Club members shall be furnished a membership card and, if requested, a copy of these by-laws.

Section 4.  There shall be no limitation on the number of members nor any constraints on membership contrary to

                   existing law.



Dues and Assessments


Section 1.  The annual dues for members shall be determined by the Steering Committee and payable before or at the January meeting.

Section 2.  Members with a spouse are eligible for a “Family Membership.”

Section 3.  The membership, by two thirds majority of those present and voting at a regular meeting, may

                  levy an assessment. A newly received member shall not be liable for the payment of any     

      assessment imposed prior to joining the Club.

Section 4.  All dues and assessments shall be payable to the Camera Club of Hendersonville, NC.

Section 5.  The fiscal year shall commence January 1 and end on December 31 of the calendar year.

Section 6.  Non-member spouses and guests are welcome to attend meetings, but shall not participate in any contests, Show & Tell nights and/or Forums.


Previous Version:      

Section 1.  The annual dues for members whose permanent residence is in or about Hendersonville shall be $20 per photographer, payable before or at the January meeting. [Non-member spouses are welcome to attend meetings but not to participate in contests, Show & Tell nights or Forums].

Section 2.  New members joining the Club and members who reside seasonally in Hendersonville will pay dues pro-rated to the previous quarter. [i.e., join/arrive January-March, $20; April-June, $15, etc., $10 minimum].

Section 3.  The membership, by two thirds majority of those present and voting at a regular meeting, may levy an assessment. A newly received member shall not be liable for the payment of any assessment imposed prior to joining the Club.

Section 4.  All dues and assessments shall be payable to the Treasurer.

Section 5.  The fiscal year shall commence January 1 of each year and end on the following December 31.



Club Governance


Section 1.  The Club shall be directed by a STEERING COMMITTEE [aka, the Committee] consisting of five members. Steering Committee meetings shall be open to all members.

Section 2.  The Committee members shall elect a Chairperson.

Section 3.  The Committee shall appoint a Moderator to preside at regular meetings. The moderator may or may not be a member of the Committee.

Section 4.  The jobs of Secretary and Treasurer shall be done by Committee members as mutually agreed upon and assigned.

Section 5.  The Committee may, at its discretion, appoint a ‘Special Committee’ which shall function only long enough to complete its stated assignment.



Election of Steering Committee


Section 1.  The Steering Committee shall be members of the Club in good standing and shall be elected by majority vote of the membership, present and voting, for a period of one year. Committee members shall be chosen from among those who are not seasonal members.

Section 2.   During the regular August meeting, the chairperson shall appoint a Special Committee designated as the Nominating Committee and composed of a chairperson and two other members. Their function shall be to develop a slate of nominees for the Steering Committee. All nominees must give their consent to the Nominating Committee as a condition for nomination.

Section 3.  The Nominating Committee shall present its slate of nominees during the regular September meeting. Following such presentation, opportunity shall be given for further nominations from the floor.

  1. If there be no nominations from the floor, the vote of the slate by general consent may be taken by voice vote. The September newsletter will include a notice concerning the election of new officers.
  2. If there be nominations from the floor for one or more offices, election shall then be by ballot during the regular October meeting. Members unable to attend the October meeting may request and shall receive an absentee ballot from the Moderator.

Section 4.  The elected Committee shall assume their responsibilities on January 1 following the election.

Section 5.  The Committee shall have the authority to appoint replacement members for any who resign or leave the Club or this area.


Duties of the Steering Committee and Its Officers


Section 1.   It shall be the duty of the Committee to:

  1. Obtain a suitable meeting place and insure that applicable rules governing usage are observed.
  2. Plan the yearly schedule of meetings and events.
  3. On Forum, Show & Tell, and Print Competition nights:
  1. Provide a person who will judge images submitted by members [Honoraria may be paid at the discretion of the Committee].
  2. Appoint a person or persons to serve as Coordinator(s) to receive and prepare images for showing. Images are to be prepared according to the ‘Rules’ available on the club website.
  1. Appoint members to fill vacancies on the Committee.
  2. Appoint Special Committees and Chairpersons in accordance with Articles IV and V above.
  3. Appoint one Club member as “Greeter” to meet and welcome members and guests. The Greeter may, if appropriate, offer guests membership information. The term of this appointment shall be one year with the option of re-appointment.
  4. Maintain custody of Club equipment used in presenting programs.
  5. Appoint a Newsletter Editor, from among Club membership, charged with producing and distributing the monthly Club newsletter electronically.
  6. Appoint a Webmaster, from among the Club membership, to maintain the Club website.

Section 2.   It shall be the duty of the Moderator to preside at all Club meetings or to provide a substitute Moderator.

Section 3.   It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to:

  1. Be responsible for all financial affairs of the Club, supervise the collection of revenue, disperse all funds and sign all checks. The Treasurer shall report the financial status of the Club in June and December of each year.
  2. Maintain membership and attendance records for each meeting. Members paying dues shall receive membership cards signed by the Treasurer. The signed membership card will serve as a receipt for cash payment.
  3. Establish and maintain a membership list of all paid-up members. Maintain a list of members delinquent or in arrears to be communicated to the Newsletter Editor prior to the May general meeting, at which time a final “Good Standing Notice” shall be published.

Section 4.   It shall be the duty of the Secretary to:

  1. Maintain minutes of Steering Committee meeting activity; provide a copy of the minutes to members of the Steering Committee following each meeting so members can review them in preparation for corrections, if any, and subsequent approval at the next Steering Committee meeting. Once approved, they become part of the CCofH records to be archived.
  2. Provide a copy of the Steering Committee meeting minutes to the Newsletter Editor, or any other active member, if requested.
  3. Handle Club correspondence.
  4. Be prepared to read the notes of any previous meeting if requested.
  5. At general elections, receive absentee ballots, tabulate and announce results.






Meetings-Regular and Special


Section 1.   Regular meetings of the Club shall be held the fourth Tuesday of each month, coming to order at 7:00 pm. There shall be a social time commencing at 6:30 pm.

Section 2.   Upon written request to the Secretary by 10 Club members, a Special Meeting shall be called by the Chairperson of the Steering Committee. No business, other than that for which the Special Meeting was called, shall be transacted. Notice stating the purpose of the meeting, shall be given to the membership at least seven days prior to said meeting.

Section 3.   At any Regular or Special Meeting of the Club, a quorum shall exist if the number of members present and voting is equal to one third +1 of the membership in good standing.



Format of Meetings


Regular meetings shall conform to the following outline:

  1. Welcome and introduction of guests and new members.
  2. Club business – to be kept as brief as possible.
  3. Program – may include a ‘halftime’ intermission.





Section 1.   The adoption of By-Laws, additions to or amending existing By-Laws, shall be accomplished by a two-thirds majority vote of the membership, present and voting, or by absentee ballot. The Newsletter will give notice of proposed By-Laws changes 30 days prior to meeting.

Section 2.   Any member in good standing who cannot attend a meeting at which additions or amendments of the By-Laws are being voted on, may vote by absentee ballot. The vote must be written and in the hands of the Secretary prior to the meeting. The envelope shall be marked “Ballot” so it will not be opened before the meeting. The Club officers present shall act as a Special Committee to determine the legality of any absentee ballot that is questioned.




  1. The months of January, April, July and October will be reserved for Forum nights. Detailed instructions for preparation of submissions on Forum nights are to be maintained in the ‘Rules’ available on the Club website and may, at the discretion of the Editor, be published in the Newsletter.
  2. The month of June shall be reserved for the annual Print Competition.
  3. Show & Tell nights may be scheduled as directed by the Steering Committee.


Revised: November 4, 2015