Camera Club of Hendersonville
Hospitality Coordinator
The Hospitality Coordinator will work with the Steering Committee to insure that Club Members and visitors are
treated to snacks at Club meetings and appropriate refreshments/food at other club events.
Typical Tasks:
The Hospitality Coordinator shall:
- Circulate signup sheet at general meetings to solicit volunteers who will provide snacks for the monthly meetings
- Send out the Refreshment Guideline by email a week in advance of the meeting to the designated providers
- Make a follow up call several days before the General Meeting to remind volunteers of their commitment and give them quantity estimates
- Select several team members to assist in all events requiring food or beverage
- Be available or delegate the task of setting up the Hospitality table prior to each General Meeting
- Purchase supplies as needed such as cups, napkins
The Coordinator shall:
- Have basic food handling knowledge
- Regularly attend General Meetings arriving at least one hour before the beginning of the General Meeting (approx. 6 p.m.)
Revised 04.12.2019