Field Trip To Wateree Dam, South Carolina
Friday, March 3, 2017
Postponed to Later Date to be Announced
This trip is ideal for wildlife photographers and we will see mainly birds.
Warning: This will be a long day as it is close to a three hour drive one way. You need at least a 200 mm lens, tripod and you should bring a portable chair. The restrooms are "primitive" to say the least. Mike will bring water in a cooler but snacks or sodas will be up to you. He will be taking his four door pick-up with a cover so we will have room for equipment.
Meet at Cracker Barrel(105 Commercial Blvd., Flatrock,NC) off Upward Rd at 6am. Take I-26 South to I-20 East to 601 North to Longtown Rd. West to Wateree Dam Rd. to Trail Race Rd.
Egrets, Blue Heron and even Eagles can be found at the dam, plenty of Seagulls also. This is a hydroelectric dam that releases water every so often and when this happens it dumps bait fish into the waterway below the dam and the birds attack the bait fish. This creates some exciting photo opportunities as the birds fight over the bait fish. Hopefully we can come home with some great action shots.
We can shoot for a couple of hours then take a lunch break. The closest town is Lugoff. After lunch return to the dam for another couple of hours then head home.
Lunch Stop:Lugoff House of Pizza and Subs, actually has a 4 and 1/2 star rating.
Confirm with Mike Merrill [email protected]
Please download, print, fill out and bring the Release Agreement to the meet up location. Have the agreement filled out in advance so that you do not delay the group.