Camera Club of Hendersonville
Job Description
New Members Coordinator
The New Members Coordinator will work with the Steering Committee in to insure that all New Members receive a proper orientation to the Club
Typical Tasks:
- Create a Welcome to the Club New Members Packet and keep it up to date.
- Have membership applications available at all General Meetings.
- Have a Visitor’s Sign in List available.
- Introduce the Visitor to the Welcoming Coordinator.
- Make permanent name tags for all new members.
- Maintain and manage the name tag box.
- Provide a temporary name tag for a Guest.
- Send out a Welcome to the Club email to all New Members within a day of receiving their completed application.
- Send out a Thanks for Visiting Email to all Visitors within a day of the General Meeting.
- Must have ability to transmit email to New Members and Visitors
- Must regularly attend General Meetings
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Revised 12/02/2015