September 2017 Newsletter-1
Newsletter Editor
The CCoH Newsletter Editor will report to the Chairman of the Steering Committee and work with the other members of the Steering Committee to produce a Newsletter that records the activities of the Club.
Typical Tasks:
Take in information of Club activities and arrange them for publication.
Will Include, but is not limited to, the following newsletter subjects: the CCoH logo; the dates, location, and times of meeting; the purpose of the club; contact phone numbers; Chairman’s Message; past CCoH and PSA events; upcoming activities of the CCoH; competition results; member commentaries; instructional material; any other topic of photographic interest.
Use the PSA Judging Standards to style the format and content of the Newsletter
· Must have good working knowledge of a type of publishing software
· Must have good attendance at Club Meetings
· Must have good writing and editing skills
Please Respond to Ken Weaver if you are interested.
Revised 10/22/2017