Camera Club of Hendersonville
Job Description
Welcoming Coordinator
The Welcoming Coordinator will work with the Steering Committee to insure that all Members and Guests receive a proper welcome and acknowledgement when arriving at a Club event.
Typical Tasks:
- Be present at the General Meeting to meet and greet not only Guests but also Members
- Provide a temporary name tag for a Guest.
- Give Visitor a brief description of the order of the Meeting including breaks, refreshments and programs.
- Show visitor Rest Room Locations
- Assist the Membership Coordinator in maintaining the Visitor Log.
- Introduce Visitors to as many Directors as possible.
- Give the Visitor’s name to the General Meeting Moderator for introduction at the opening of the meeting.
- Must regularly attend General Meetings
- Must be aware of the monthly content of the General Meeting
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Revised 12/02/2015